Tantalising 2025 has an open theme, so that you can choose the subject yourself - whatever inspires you!
The competition winner will be voted for by visitors to the exhibition in The Alchemy Gallery at Craft Arena.
There is a nominal entry fee with the total amount raised from the exhibitors being split between the winning artist, a prize for one of the visitors who voted at the exhibition, with the rest going to St. Luke's Hospice, Basildon & Thurrock.
This year the exhibition runs from Saturday 4th to Saturday 31st May and I'm really looking forward to seeing your work. If you know anyone who may be interested in entering, please pass this information on as I'd like to raise as much as possible for St. Luke's Hospice this year.
Submissions can be in any media - textile art, printing, painting, printing, sculpture. There are a few restrictions, and these are listed in the terms and conditions.
You can find the entry form which includes the terms and conditions here.